We believe in a loving God, who through Jesus Christ has called us to love and affirm all God’s children. We welcome to full life and ministry all persons regardless of mental and physical ability, sexual identity, race, religious background, or economic status. By the power of the Holy Spirit we commit ourselves to respect and support gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons, who have often been excluded from the life of the church. We stand together seeking justice, healing, and wholeness of life for all, thus becoming an open and affirming congregation.

On any given Sunday gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender worshipers account for up to one quarter of our congregation and sometimes more, especially when families with LGBT members are included. South Church offers a safe, nurturing environment where the work of promoting understanding and caring among all of its members, straight and gay, can happen. All LGBT persons are invited to learn more about us by coming to a Sunday worship service at 10 a.m.

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Check out Believe Out Loud
Learn more about Open & Affirming in the United Church of Christ