Join for Worship — Sundays, 10:00am — In Person, 45 Maple Street, or on Zoom.
Nursery care and children’s education are available during worship
Zoom MTG: 975 811 240 PW: 041663
South Church, UCC is a part of the United Church of Christ.
We extend a wide welcome to all to be part of this community of faith, seeking to live out the love and justice of Jesus. We have existed as a congregational church since 1842, and in this location at 45 Maple Street since 1875. Though we are a historic church, we are also a progressive and evolving church.
When you visit us any Sunday you will find a diverse congregation, prayers that speak to the heart of God, music that sings in many voices and sermons that reflect the struggles, hopes and dreams of our lives. We believe you will find yourself received just as you are and strengthened for whatever is happening in your life.
We identify ourselves as a Jesus-centered, Open and Affirming community. Our members and friends seek to strengthen their faith in an environment that allows them their own identity, regardless of race, religious background, sexual identity, family status, physicial or mental challenge, or financial standing. As an urban church we welcome people of many backgrounds who are looking for community where diversity is celebrated in language, prayer and music.
You are welcome here if you have been raised inside of Christianity and loved it, or if you loved It but then left it because you wrestled with much or part of it and yet still find it home.
You are welcome here if you identify along multiple religious lines – Christian, Jewish, Secular, a little bit of Wiccan, curious about Islam, rooted in the sciences, drawn to mystery, wonder and awe…in relationship with many avenues to the Holy.
We read the scriptures as story, poetry, song and call; as history and interpretation, as hope and imagination.
We are very curious about and drawn toward Jesus; this human who seemed to so boldly and fully to embody God, embodying the most sacred way of being alive. His resurrection means many things to us. You do not have to pass a series of belief tests to be a part of South Church, you just have to express a commitment to the longing of your heart to be called into and by and toward that which is greater than only yourself; into the Common Good, into the making of the Kingdom/Kin-dom of Heaven on Earth.
How We Operate
As Congregationalists and members of the United Church of Christ, our polity, or governance, is centered in the congregation. Our church is run by the community of members, along with the Pastor and staff.
We believe in doctrinal freedom among congregations, Christian unity, discipleship and serving others through our mission. We worship one God who is Creator, Christ and Holy Spirit, and with Jesus Christ as the only head of the church. Here at South we allow freedom of thought and conscience to all members, equal participation to men and women and persons of all genders in church ministry and governance, and participation of all of any age to share holy communion regardless of marital status or church affiliation.
In the words of Paul in his letter to the Ephesians, we pray that we all may be strengthened in our inner being with power through God’s spirit and that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith as we are being rooted and ground in love. We have a lot to offer at South Church and we believe you’ll find yourself received exactly as you are and strengthened for whatever is happening in your life.
Join us!
We want to get to know you, too, for you undoubtedly have gifts that will enrich our lives in ways that none of us can imagine. We hope to have an opportunity to meet you in person or online and get to know something about you and your journey with God. Until then, we join you in asking God for inner peace and a faith that makes a difference in the world.

Come to me all who are weary and heavy burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
— Jesus, in Matthew 11:28
Not all who wander are lost.
The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.
— Frederick Buechner